Saturday, June 20, 2009

Drugs and stuff

As some of you may know, I recently had a doctor's appointment, consisting of TWO ultrasounds, and a follow-up discussion about the next step. The first good news is that I have NO cysts, and everything looks good in there. My doc offered me Clomid, which I politely declined for now. But, she said she wants to try Metformin, which I agreed to. It has been 3 days, and so far I feel good. Supposedly, It will help regulate my cycles, and also help me lose weight.
We are sticking to our original plan, of me continuing to work on weight loss, but we aren't trying to avoid pregnancy either. If the Metformin helps get me pregnant now, that is great!
I really need to get back on the boat with WW. I have been maintaining my loss, and people have been commenting on how great I look. I've still been killing it at the gym, but I need to get back into the healthy eating. Anyone got some motivation I can borrow?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


So, I have yet to buy a digital camera, so no pics yet, but I did want to post a weight update. I am officially down 10 lbs since starting weight watchers! I have been working my ass off at the gym, and it's paying off. I finally have a routine down, and it's working pretty well. I can feel it in my posture, and the strength in my legs. I officially need a new pair of work pants, as I have run out of holes on my belt.
WW has been going ok. I don't enter my points every day like I should, but I have been staying under my limit. I'm not sure if I will keep the online membership, or just do it on my own with a points calculator.
I got really excited this morning thinking about how I am just 38 lbs away from my next goal. I lost the first 30 lbs, and I want to lose 80 more. I have decided to break that down into losing 40 lbs, then 40 more. I would like to have this done by the end of the year, and after I drop the first 40, I will consider starting to try for a baby...

Saturday, May 23, 2009

I wonder if there is a weight limit for swing sets....

I babysat two sweet kids today, and while at the park, I couldn't help but wonder if the swing could possibly break under my weight. It didn't, thank Jesus...but it definitely did some squeaking and creaking.
I made it through the first week of Weight Watchers alive, and I have to say, I feel great. I feel so much lighter, from not eating fatty or greasy foods. Not that I ate much to begin with, but after dinner, I just feel satisfied, not bloated. I am down 5lbs, and went to the gym twice(once for a full hour on the elliptical). My allergies were killing me on Monday and Tuesday, so I skipped, but I still did my points. It's so much easier than I expected, especially since I can pretty much eat what I normally do, just in smaller portions, or with non-fat variations. I have also found the mobile WW in my cell phone to be EXTREMELY helpful. Now, when I'm out and decide I want, say a Frappucino, I can look up the point value in my phone!
I have found that I end up with extra points nearly every night, and I don't feel hungry except just before lunch, and about an hour before dinner. I will do my first "before" pic hopefully this week. I'm hoping to start seeing some differences soon!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Time for a change

After spending nearly 25 years as a fat girl, I have to admit it is mildly intimidating to think about leaving that comfort zone. I have always thought of myself to be in decent health, and I rarely feel like my weight holds me back. Well, it holds me back from shopping in most clothing stores, and fitting comfortably those chairs with a desktop attached, and from going down 2 of the 5 waterslides at Sandcastle. But, other than that? Lol. I don't feel like there is much I can't do physically, if I put my mind to it, and I am not one of those fat people who is tired and sluggish all the time.

I guess I just never felt like my weight was a *major* issue until I got married, and started thinking about having kids. Looking at my body and how I carry my weight, I just can't justify adding a baby to that. I pretty much already look pregnant, as most of my weight is in my stomach. No, I am not one of those superficial twits who is just worried they won't have a cute "baby bump" when pregnant. That is a minor, minor aspect of it, and SO low on my list of concerns. I am worried about being HEALTHY, and having a healthy pregnancy. I don't want to put myself at risk for complications, nor do I want to put any more pressure on my joints.

I also want to be fit for Motherhood. I don't want to be one of those moms who doesn't run around at the park with her kids. The mom who sends the kids outside to play, but never joins in. That won't be me.